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How to keep a vacant Property Safe?


Landlords may locate themselves with vacant property for a multiple of reasons such as because of the renovation process, difficulties connecting with tenants. Vacant property can endure the significant danger. Some of the most prominent warnings to vacant homes are pretended by weather-related phenomena like storm injury, or flooding. Damage caused because of these natural calamities can be destructive and happen with minimal warning or notice.

Except for the damage caused by Nature, there are some more obstacles which vacant property faces are exceptionally helpless. The best example is a criminal activity. Without the unfavorable impact of tenants and the neighbors, a vacant property is a winning destination for offenders and thieves. They may plan to remove the copper pipes, appliances, and sometimes simply make damage to the property. However, the landlords are the one who has to pay for it.

To protect your vacant property from damage, consider the following tips:

Lock and Secure all Doors & Windows

One of the most important and first step is to lock all the doors and windows securely. In addition, ensure that all doors and windows are locked with added padlocks as required.

If you are far away from your property, you can also consider leaving an extra key with trusted neighbour, friends or relative in the nearby location. This way you can check on the property whenever needed or to let someone inside or for routine maintenance and cleaning. Also make sure to shut off the water and drain the pipes. There have been instances of people who failed to do this and their house was flooded. It is also important to remove unwanted items and valuables from your vacant property.

Execute routine maintenance

A home left unattended will start to deteriorate over a period of time. You have to do regular property maintenance by yourself or you can take the help of a property maintenance service or trusted relative, friend or neighbour. Whatever the case is, it is crucial to make sure the cleaning & maintenance is done regularly. This process will give an impression that there is a constant presence of people at the property and will also serve as an obstacle to illegal activity on the property. Additionally, it will also help to detect the problems before they get converted to more significant issues. For example, leakage of pipe, damage caused by natural calamities or pest, entry of birds / animals and take appropriate action to prevent the same.

During regular maintenance – run the water regularly and flush all toilets, run the amenities (like air conditioners, water filter etc) regularly, open the windows and doors periodically to get rid of the vacant house smell, collect and remove mails / magazines / newpapers (or have them delivered to appropriate address), check and secure doors and windows, check for signs of damages or forced entry, check for any birds / animal entry, check on all the doors & locks.

Fire prevention

Ensure that the outside surface of the property is free from papers, cardboard, and any other fire-friendly trashes, and also flammable substances. It is also advisable to switch off the Main Electricity Power to prevent any unforeseen short circuit.

Use Technology, Security & Surveillance

Locate outstanding security cameras encompassing the property. You can also consider motion light detectors. These lights will turn on if someone walks around your property. Any intruder is less likely to get into your property when there is a spot light on him. You can also think of installing timers to switch on and switch off lights so that intruders will get a feeling that someone is inside the house.


Like how one size does not fit all, you have to understand what all needs to be done to take care of your vacant property depending on the type of property, amenities in the property, neighbourhood, etc. Guarding your vacant property while it is vacant necessitates a moment of foresight.
If you are going to be away from your property for a long time, it is best advisable to hire a Professional Property Management Company.

Energy Saving Tips for House Owners


Saving energy in your home always used to be a reconsideration, but as the times have changed, it has become a most important thing for the homeowners. Homeowners are constantly looking for the latest and most convenient energy saving tips – energy saving tips for your home.

Reducing your home’s energy consumption leads to lower your bills and fewer emissions released into the atmosphere – it is a win-win possibility to save energy. Most energy saving tips for your home can be done with minimal effort.

Efficient Lightening

Lights appear to be such a small phase of your home, but they can either bother or support your home’s energy savings based on how you handle it.

One of the simplest methods to save energy is to remember to turn your lights off when you leave the respective room. Follow that good habit with energy efficient light bulbs, such as LEDs or CFLs, and you will be right on your plan to a more efficient home.

And the next important way is to make sure your lights are not placed near your thermostat. The heat from lights could cause your thermostat to run your furnace or air conditioner more than you need them to.

Motion detecting lights are growing more popular among homeowners, where you do not have to be conscious to turn the lights off.

Place a Programmable Thermostat

The best energy saving tips growing its popularity right now is to replace your old manual thermostat with a new programmable type. They automatically adapt to your agenda by providing you control of your home’s temperature no matter where you are, and you will have more planned and various other options to help you save energy as much as possible.

Upgrade your appliances

Old refrigerators, washers, dryers, and other home appliances were not actually made with energy efficiency in mind nowadays. So, when you decide to replace your old appliances, keep a lookout for a new appliance with the “Energy Saving Star” tag. These appliances are guaranteed to help save you money on energy bills. The cost of those might be bit costly, but they will end up paying for themselves by savings on your bills.

Install Energy Efficient Windows and Doors

If you feel the need to put up your furnace and air conditioning more than you should, your windows and doors may be to blame. Drafty windows and doors can certainly take a toll on your home’s energy efficiency. Replacing your windows with strong vinyl windows will surely lower your energy bills.

Additionally, your entry doors are a primary donor to your home’s energy saving perspective. Replacing your old entry door over a steel or fiberglass door is a smart investment for homeowners. If you are not ready to do a full entry door replacement, then consider introducing a storm door. Storm doors add an added layer of insulation, stability, and energy efficiency to your entryway.

Pull the Plug on Wasting Energy

Like turning off the lights when you are not in the room, you should also unplug any devices or appliances when you are not using it.

Having things plugged is referred to as “phantom loads.” It is stated that 75 percent of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the appliances are turned off. To make the method a bit easier, plug your devices or appliances into power layers so that you can unplug the power band when you are not using them rather than unplugging everything one by one.

Vinyl Siding Saves Energy

Your home’s exterior coating plays the main role in how your home consumes energy. If you have broken, crumbled out siding then the outdoor elements have an easy way into your home.

In return, you will have to put more pressure on your heating and cooling systems, which will raise your energy bills.

Conserve Water

There are some energy saving tips that can assist you to conserve water in your home. Using limited water will lower your water bills certainly, and using limited hot water will help reduce your gas bill.

Some steps can be followed to take control over it like setting your hot water temperature to a moderate degree, taking quicker showers, and being conscious on how much water you use when preparing dishes, washing clothes, and dishwashing.

You can also establish efficient new showerheads and toilets that are designed to use limited water to help you save money.

Overlook Your Garage Door

If you have a connected garage, you can lose a lot of heated or cooled air through your garage door. This can affect the temperature of your home and will cost you more energy bills.

The best solution for this dilemma is to get a steel garage door. Steel garage doors are made to withstand any harsh weather. It has a lather core that restricts heated or cooled air from passing through it. Also, make sure your garage’s molding is not damaged as it inhibits drafts from hiding into your garage under the door.

Use these effective Energy Saving Tips to Reduce Your Home Energy Bills

Being a homeowner, it is important to be mindful of your usage of energy so that you can reduce the bills as low as you can. By understanding and following the above energy saving tips, you can definitely notice the gains on your future energy bills and develop the footprint you are leaving on the environment.